Programa de biodanza para mejorar las habilidades sociales en estudiantes de segundo ciclo de Psicología de la Universidad César Vallejo, sede Trujillo




Social skills, biodanza program, intervention program, university students, improvement in social skills


A biodanza program was applied to improve social skills in second cycle students of Psychology at Cesar
Vallejo University, Trujillo campus. The objective was to know if, after its application, the students’ social
skills improved. The type of study was experimental, since the independent variable was intentionally
manipulated to observe the effects on the dependent variable. The design used was pre-experimental,
the sample under study was 34 students of both sexes from the second cycle of Psychology at Cesar
Vallejo University, Trujillo campus. A scale was applied to record the information on social skills and two
observation guides for the biodanza program. The results showed that there was a highly significant
influence (p˂.01) between the improvement of social skills and the biodanza program; in this way,
the effectiveness of this type of intervention was demonstrated. interventions in university students.
Likewise, the ability to establish interpersonal relationships, empathy, assertiveness and the expression
of emotions in university students was improved.


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How to Cite

Carcelén Niño, E. J. . (2020). Programa de biodanza para mejorar las habilidades sociales en estudiantes de segundo ciclo de Psicología de la Universidad César Vallejo, sede Trujillo. Revista De Psicología (Trujillo), 21(2), 71–85.



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