Communication skills and psychomotor development in children five years of I.E. N° 1618 - Trujillo - 2015


  • Tania Araceli Muguerza Vargas Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú


Communicative skills, Psychomotor activity, Corporal scheme, Laterality, Motor coordination, Body control


This research is a correlational descriptive, whose purpose was to determine the relationship of communication skills and psychomotor development of children five years of School No. 1618 - Trujillo - 2015. With a population sample of 26 children of 5 years, all were given an observation guide for evaluating the variable communication skills and to assess motor skills variable contains a checklist, where the data were recorded and the results were for communication skills was used 54% in the middle level and motor skills variable is 61% standing at the process level. With the above results was used the "t" Student, resulting in that the value of "t" calculated (5.08) is higher than the weighted (1.7056) therefore the null hypothesis is rejected and the research hypothesis is accepted, ie communication skills are significantly related to the development of motor skills of children five years of School No. 1618.


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How to Cite

Muguerza Vargas, T. A. . (2016). Communication skills and psychomotor development in children five years of I.E. N° 1618 - Trujillo - 2015. Cientifi-K, 4(2), 167–172. Retrieved from



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