EMPLE-AP regional labor observatory: scope, users and model





Employability, Labor observatory, Higher education


This research focuses its attention on higher education employability observatories, which are understood as platforms that contribute to the employment of their graduates, presenting the results of the activities carried out by the so-called Work Package 4 within the framework of the ERASMUS+ EMPLE-AP project. Since the main objective of the study was to define the scope of a regional labor observatory in the countries of the Pacific Alliance, as well as to determine the articulation of its capacities in relation to the demands of its stakeholders, a qualitative approach of an emergent nature was used, with interviews and focus groups as data collection instruments. As far as the population and sample were concerned, the aforementioned instruments were applied, through the project partners, to professionals and users of labor observatories in Italy, Portugal, Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile. Later on, using the content analysis technique, the products, functions, structures and competencies required by the operation of a labor observatory were defined according to the requirements of the project.


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How to Cite

Latorre Vivar, R., Pantoja Ferroni, P., & Sefair Vera, E. (2020). EMPLE-AP regional labor observatory: scope, users and model. UCV-Scientia, 12(2), 109–119. https://doi.org/10.18050/revucv-scientia.v12i2.807



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