Management leadership and its relationship with motivation of teachers in the I.E.E. Miguel Grau




Manager leadership, motivation, teacher


The present article entitled El liderazgo directivo y su relación con la motivación en los docentes de la I.E.E. Miguel Grau (Management Leadership and its Relationship with Motivation of Teachers in the I.E.E. Miguel Grau) sets as an objective to determine the level of relationship between the management leadership with the motivation of the teachers and their respective dimensions. Regarding the methodology, this study has a quantitative approach, of a descriptive correlational type. As a sample, the whole population of the educational institution was selected among managers and teachers -being this the probabilistic type- to whom two surveys were applied to measure the variables Management Leadership and Teachers’ Motivation. Both instruments had their validity and reliability. The results obtained from the rho Spearman correlation were optimal. In conclusion, it was determined that there is a significant and direct relationship between management leadership and teacher motivation; that is, greater leadership on the part of the management is associated with better motivation in teachers of the institution.


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How to Cite

Díaz Suárez, C. M. . (2020). Management leadership and its relationship with motivation of teachers in the I.E.E. Miguel Grau. UCV-Scientia, 12(1), 77–85.



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