Unconscious prejudice and micro-expressions in a sample of students from Trujillo


  • Sonia Judyth Cabanillas Aguilar Instituto de Investigación y Capacitación en Detección de Mentiras, La Libertad, Perú
  • Jhoan Alfredo Tello Chávez Instituto de Investigación y Capacitación en Detección de Mentiras, La Libertad, Perú
  • Edinson Martín Pérez Linares Instituto de Investigación y Capacitación en Detección de Mentiras, La Libertad, Perú
  • Daniel Enrique Lázaro Valverde Instituto de Investigación y Capacitación en Detección de Mentiras, La Libertad, Perú


Racism, Unconscious prejudice, Discrimination, Micro-expressions


The experimental research aimed to determine the effectiveness of the Associative Synthetized Activity Record (ASAR) in a sample of 40 volunteer participants, 27 women and 13 men, from a pre-university academy and a university in Trujillo, which was divided in two groups (control and natural) and selected by directed sampling. The effectiveness of the A.S.A.R. was determined, it was concluded that before the exposure of the stimuli, latency time, verbal response, and micro facial expressions are recorded directly incongruent, forming a non-traditional method for the evaluation of unconscious prejudice also called racism.



How to Cite

Cabanillas Aguilar, S. J., Tello Chávez , J. A., Pérez Linares, E. M., & Lázaro Valverde, D. E. (2016). Unconscious prejudice and micro-expressions in a sample of students from Trujillo. Revista De Psicología (Trujillo), 18(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.ucv.edu.pe/index.php/revpsi/article/view/374