Ovarian ectopic pregnancy


  • Eliana Rocío Atalaya Taboada EsSalud, La Libertad, Perú
  • Evelyn del Socorro Goicochea Ríos




Ovarian ectopic pregnancy


Ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening pathology that occurs in 1-2% of all pregnancies. The most frequent ectopic implantation site is the fallopian tube, less than 10% is implanted in the cervix, ovary, myometrium, distal part of the tube, abdominal cavity or within the caesarean section. When the presentation is carried out in the ovary, it represents 3% of all ectopic pregnancies, however, an increase in its incidence worldwide has been found. They usually present with vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain and shock data. This is a case that goes to the service of medicine with little specific symptomatology, which is subsequently performed ultrasound and pregnancy test with positive results for the suspected diagnosis. An emergency laparotomy is performed where trophoblastic remains are evidenced in the left ovary and hemoperitoneum. The pathology report reported the presence of trophoblastic remains of the first trimester, confirming the suspected diagnosis.


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How to Cite

Atalaya Taboada, E. R., & Goicochea Ríos, E. del S. (2020). Ovarian ectopic pregnancy. Vallejian Medical Journal, 9(1), 69–72. https://doi.org/10.18050/revistamedicavallejiana.v9i1.2426



Clinical Case