Pharmacognostic characteristics of Capparis avicennifolia Leaves


  • Milagros F. Visaurre Martínez Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Laura M. Querevalú García Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Elena De Los Ríos Martínez Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Segundo G. Ruiz Reyes Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú



Capparis avicennifolia, Capparaceae, Pharmacognostic study, Phytochemical screening


A study was realized farmacognóstico of the leaves of Capparis avicennifolia, where the macromorphologic characteristics decided initially, and the parameters physical-chemist of the control of quality of the raw drug fell like: percentage of moisture, total ashes, extractives substances in ethanol 70º, foreign organic matter, foreing inorganic matter were determined initially. According to the Norms Branches For Crude Drugs, of the MINSAP,which values obtained averages whose obtained values averages, they were inside the permissible range. When being made tamizaje phytochemical according to the phytochemical march of Miranda Migdalia, there was demonstrated the presence of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoides, bitter principles, oil and fats, resins, catequinas, triterpenos and steroids, antocianidinas and amino acids.


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How to Cite

Visaurre Martínez, M. F., Querevalú García, L. M., De Los Ríos Martínez, E., & Ruiz Reyes, S. G. (2007). Pharmacognostic characteristics of Capparis avicennifolia Leaves. Vallejian Medical Journal, 4(2), 121–131.