Consent for painful passivity in sexual rape crimes
Consent, painful passivity, regulation, sexual violationAbstract
Currently, sexual rapes have been committed in groups and without the victim taking any action to oppose said act. The objective of this article was to analyze a new modality within the crimes of sexual violence, which we call, the illicit of sexual rape under the modality of a state of suffering passivity of the victim, which must be regulated and implemented in an additional article in the Peruvian penal code, in the book of crimes against sexual freedom. The method was a basic qualitative approach, an inductive method, for which ten sentences issued in international and national jurisprudence have been selected, and the analysis has confirmed that consent should not be confused with the suffering passivity of the victim in crimes of sexual violation. From the development, it has been determined that the agents that influence the commission of the crime of rape in a state of painful passivity of the victim are social, economic, psychological, legal and also gender ideology factors. In conclusion, there are interpretive shortcomings regarding and differences between the modality of the victim's suffering passivity with the modalities of sexual violation regulated in the Penal Code, which lie in the form and circumstances of the execution of the crime. Finally, we recommend that legal regulation of the figure of mourning passivity as a new modality of the illicit act of sexual rape is necessary, in order to eliminate legal gaps.
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