Perspective of Reducing the Age of Criminal Responsibility in the Face of Crimes Against Property




Criminality, public policies, criminal policies, international instruments, crimes against property, legislative proposal


The objective of this study is to determine to what extent limiting the age of criminal responsibility of the adolescent offender constitutes the instrument to reduce crimes against property . To achieve the objective, we carried out a documentary, qualitative and descriptive investigation, using data from primary sources. In addition, the research is the result of an extensive review of journal articles of recognized prestige, such as Taylor & Francis Online, Scopus, Wiley. In which it is concluded that the population demands immediate solutions from the authorities in the face of the increase in juvenile delinquency. Reducing the age of criminal responsibility is an issue that has great support from the community given the incompetence of the State in designing effective Criminal Policies. In this context, the proposal to modify paragraph two of article twenty of the penal code is oriented as a solution to hold young people accountable for crimes that obtain great public repercussions. Proposing a punitive public policy as an alternative to reduce crimes. Therefore, we consider that it would be legally possible to lower the age of criminal responsibility through a proposal to amend the penal code.


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How to Cite

Talavera Cubas , M. A., & Núñez Pesantes , J. L. (2024). Perspective of Reducing the Age of Criminal Responsibility in the Face of Crimes Against Property. Regunt, 3(2), 82–96.