Ministry’s proportionality assessment Public for civil reparation in crimes of drunk driving. Northwest Lima. Peru




civil damages, drunk driving, discretion, proportionality


The investigation report was carried out with the objective of determining the proportionality assessment that the Public Ministry adopts as a criterion at the time of establishing civil reparation in the crimes of driving while intoxicated. The methodology used was of a basic research type, with a qualitative approach, an interpretive and descriptive research level, and a research design based on a case study and grounded theory with techniques used from documentary sources and interviews.Finally, it is concluded that it has not been possible to guarantee an adequate economic valuation regarding civil reparation in the criminal process of driving while intoxicated due to various positions of jurists that start from the inconsistency of criteria regarding the matter of investigation, which warns a damage to the victim, a circumstance that merits a coherent fiscal provision from directives and regulations in accordance with the full cassatorium in this regard.


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How to Cite

Alva Sánchez , O. C. (2024). Ministry’s proportionality assessment Public for civil reparation in crimes of drunk driving. Northwest Lima. Peru. Regunt, 3(2), 76–81.