Psychosocial and governmental factors present in the social reality of human trafficking in Mexico
human trafficking, organized crime, psychosocial factors, slavery, child pornography, sex tourism, child prostitutionAbstract
The study aimed to analyze the issue of human trafficking, specifically child exploitation, its causes and consequences. The methodology employed was a documentary review of the laws, regulations and agreements signed by over 100 countries regarding human trafficking and child exploitation, along with an analysis of the psychosocial factors that lead to the vulnerability of children and adolescents. Among the results, it was found that human trafficking is the third most profitable crime globally, after drug trafficking and weapons sales. Child exploitation includes pornography, sex tourism, child prostitution, among other forms. This problem continues to grow daily despite legislative and preventive efforts by countries. The study concludes that social, family and individual factors persist that perpetuate the vulnerability and risk of children and adolescents to human trafficking and child exploitation networks. Comprehensive prevention, detection, rescue and restoration of victims’ rights actions are required.
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