Policies of functional responsibility of prosecutors in the crime of failure to provide family assistance





The research article entitled: "Prosecutors' functional responsibility policies in the crime of omission to provide family assistance" analyzed how prosecutors' functional responsibility is affected by the failure to execute sentences in crimes of omission to provide family assistance. The article uses a basic type method, the qualitative and phenomenological approach, and had eight criminal specialists as participants. The results of the article show that the policies of functional responsibility of prosecutors should be modified, which was affected by the procedural burden of the prosecutors in charge of these cases. It is considered that the procedural burden is one of the difficulties, the lack of follow-up to each of the cases with convictions, which makes it impossible for prosecutors to fulfill their functional responsibility to ensure that the rights of child support workers are protected. It is concluded that the Congress of the Republic of Peru should modify the policies of responsibility and that the Public Prosecutor's Office should strengthen its capacity to investigate and prosecute crimes for failure to provide family assistance, and should create mechanisms so that child support providers can denounce non-compliance with the sentence.


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How to Cite

Palomino Rodríguez, S. B. ., Córdova Pure, W. ., Capcha Cabrera , . . P. ., & Rojas Yacha, E. L. . (2023). Policies of functional responsibility of prosecutors in the crime of failure to provide family assistance. Regunt, 3(1), 95–105. https://doi.org/10.18050/regunt.v3i1.09



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