The notarial letter as an essential requirement in the crime of illicit appropriation




Within the catalog of crimes against property in the Peruvian penal code we find the crime of illegal appropriation, the study of the present investigation had as objective to analyze the importance of the Notarial Letter as a documentary source of objective condition of punishability of the crime of illegal appropriation. The methodology was qualitative, original article and thematic analysis design. From the results, In Peru, the Supreme Court, has not been alien to this type of pronouncements, which support this form of resolution, since they have pronounced indicating that to determine the consummation of the crime and the request for return it is necessary to have the notarial letter (Cassation No. 428-2019-Arequipa, 2019). In this same line of thought, it is concluded that it has been instituted as a condition of prosecution that the notarial letter is an essential document for its determination. In practice, when a person files a complaint for this crime and does not attach the notarial letter requesting the return of the property, the complaint is filed in the tax offices.


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How to Cite

Rabanal Bardales, J. I. ., Ludeña Manco, G. ., & Cueva Quezada , N. I. (2023). The notarial letter as an essential requirement in the crime of illicit appropriation. Regunt, 3(1), 63–71.



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