The absence of a legal stomatological guide against the assessment of injuries to the stomatognathic system. Institute of Legal Medicine in Perú




The objective of the present investigation was to identify the absence of a legal stomatological guide against the assessment of injuries to the stomatognathic system. Institute of Legal Medicine, 2021. To achieve this end, the methodology of the qualitative approach, basic type and phenomenological design, was used, with the technique based on case study; likewise, there were participants who were experts in the matter, who were provided with an interview guide; Likewise, the documentary source analysis guide was used to analyze the requirements required by the investigation and two judicial files as a case study. The results of the research work were constituted through the interview guide, documentary analysis, case study, previous work and theoretical currents, in order to contrast our assumptions through the triangulation of the data obtained. Finally, it was concluded that the relationship between the absence of a legal stomatological guide versus the assessment of injuries to the stomatognathic system. Institute of Legal Medicine, 2021 is direct, since justice operators do not have a legal dental guide, which predisposes them to resolve rulings without specific scientific, technical and procedural rigor.


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How to Cite

Puerta Jarama, P. A., & Cueva-Quezada, N. I. . (2023). The absence of a legal stomatological guide against the assessment of injuries to the stomatognathic system. Institute of Legal Medicine in Perú. Regunt, 3(1), 45–53.



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