Latin American vision of ther of equal marriage in Peru from the interpretation of the Political Constitution of the Peruvian State from the Susel Paredes case




recognition, same-sex marriage, registration


The recognition of same-sex marriage requires urgent regulation from a conventional rule of law, especially when there is a tendency in Latin America to legitimize itself.
The objective was to investigate the Recognition of equal marriage in Peru based on the interpretation of the Political Constitution of the Peruvian State, from the case of Susel Paredes who filed an amparo claim before the Judiciary, so that Reniec resolves to register the civil marriage contracted in the city of Miami, in such In this sense, there is a precedent in Peru since the court ruling of first instance but which was later questionably revoked.
The methodology was a structured bibliographic review with a qualitative approach, with a multimodal design of phenomenographic thematic analysis from 30 articles from the open access databases of Scielo, Scopus, Wos, performing a search with the prism support, using the hybrid inductive-deductive method. The sampling was non-probabilistic, with inclusion and exclusion criteria from a structured bibliographic review of articles found in the database of scientifically rigorous indexed journals, only in Spanish, with an age of seven years. The results and discussion warn a legal and controversial position against the current incidence towards the recognition of equal marriage in Peru, against the vision that Latin America has.
It is concluded that the current regulations still do not admit same-sex marriage in Peru, having confirmed the resolution in the constitutional court due to the inadmissibility of the requested registration with a certain tendency to reform and admissibility of the sub limine matter, however, there is still a large legal path to elucidate and reform for the sake of human rights


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How to Cite

De Piérola García, V. M. ., Capcha Cabrera, P. ., Ludeña González, G. F. ., & Córdova Pure, W. A. . (2023). Latin American vision of ther of equal marriage in Peru from the interpretation of the Political Constitution of the Peruvian State from the Susel Paredes case. Regunt, 2(1), 60–73.