The expert report proving the gradualness of mental injury or psychological affectation in complaints of family violence in Lima, Peru




psychological violence, psychic damage, psychological report


Faced with the high incidence that has been presented in the offices of the specialized prosecutor’s offices for attacks against women and other members of the family group in the fiscal district of Lima - Peru, a common denominator of many other prosecutor’s offices, the justice operators have not achieved integrate them from an adequate management and application of the same.
The objective of the research was to investigate the incidence of the Psychological Expert Report in the determination of psychic damage or cognitive or behavioral psychological involvement, in complaints of family violence in the fiscal district of Lima-Peru, compared to the high rate of violence caused to the detriment of women.
The methodology used is basic research type, qualitative approach with a level of descriptive research and documentary review design.
The conclusion states that the psychological reports issued by the Women’s Emergency Center in the fiscal district of Lima, Peru, have not complied with the parameters established in the Forensic Psychological Evaluation Guide, which leads to an ineffective determination of psychic damage or psychological affectation, cognitive, behavioral in victims of family violence.


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How to Cite

Arce Zavala, R. I. ., Moreno Galindo, E. ., & Rodríguez Ludeña, M. F. . (2023). The expert report proving the gradualness of mental injury or psychological affectation in complaints of family violence in Lima, Peru. Regunt, 2(1), 52–59.