Political historicity of the social stratum of mestizos and criollos in the colony





social stratum, creole, mestizo, indigenous


The objective of this article was to analyze the type of social stratum that developed in colonial Peru, as well as to know if the population of the Spanish Crown and subjects settled in the country and the Americas had differences or not in their rights, from a perspective of political historicity. In this sense, information and specialized bibliography on the subject have been reviewed in order to understand the pre-existing social stratum during the Colony, its composition and stratification. Finally, it is concluded that, in the context of the time, a marked social inequality was evidenced among its inhabitants; that is, between the dominant power, creoles, mestizos and indigenous people.


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How to Cite

Benavides Román, A. M. ., Misari Torpoco, D. E. ., Capcha Cabrera, P. ., Ludeña González, G. F. ., & Castilla Barraza, J. G. . (2023). Political historicity of the social stratum of mestizos and criollos in the colony. Regunt, 2(1), 43–50. https://doi.org/10.18050/regunt.v2i1.04