Propiedades psicométricas de la escala multidimensional de asertividad en estudiantes de la ciudad de Cajamarca
Assertiveness, Assertiveness Hint, not assertivenessAbstract
The present study aimed to determine the psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Scale of Assertiveness (EMA) of Flores and Diaz- Loving in students in the City of Cajamarca. We worked with a sample of 314 students in fourth and fifth grade secondary school education most populous , using simple random sampling of probabilistic type . For statistical analysis considered the construct validity by analyzing item -test, showing that most of the items are accepted as valid as they are greater than .20 . Regarding the reliability of the dimensions Cronbach's alpha was used , obtaining results in the indirect dimension Assertiveness reliability of .84 , in No reliability de.798 Assertiveness , Assertiveness and finally reliability of .721 , so same development of scales to show highly significant gender differences in the scale and Indirect Assertiveness Assertiveness scale , recording the highest average score women than men , whereas no significant difference was not identified in the Assertiveness scale. Concluding that this instrument is valid and reliable for high school students in the city of Cajamarca.
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