Construction and properties of conduct questionnaire psychometric dissocial CCD - Movic In Trujillo
antisocial behaviors, Validity, Reliability, StandardsAbstract
The study presentation, instrumental and psychometric design, aimed to build and describe the properties of the questionnaire Behavior dissocial CCD-MOVIC in high school students in four districts of Trujillo, in a stratified random sample of 877 adolescentes aged 4 districts Trujillo. The results showed adequate psychometric properties for use in processes of group or individual evaluation and research; since their items obtained based measures showed content validity (p <.05). Meanwhile, its factorial structure represent 51, 26% of the explained variance and factor loadings were greater than .40. The same factor structure was confirmed with goodness of fit indices and comparative fit greater than .95. This backing itself in the indices of correlation test item-, who obtained homogeneity above .30; and in reliability, alpha indices above 0.73 for the factors. Finally, type specific percentile scales were developed by gender. In conclusion, on this, the questionnaire dissocial Conducts CCDMOVIC measures intended to construct, reporting reliable results, which can be adapted in a regulatory group.
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