Psychometric properties of the Professional Interests Questionnaire (CIPSA) in secondary level students of private educational institutions of Trujillo


  • Marcia Alejandra Quiroga Cabada Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú


Professional interests, psychometric properties, validity, reliability, scales


Psychometric properties of the Professional Interests Questionnaire (CIPSA) in secondary level students of Private Educational Institutions of Trujillo were determined. The sample was 494 people. The units of analysis were chosen by stratified probability sampling. The analysis of the items was performed through the corrected item - scale correlation obtaining indices ranging from .070 to .615. The construct validity was determined through the exploratory factor analysis showing saturations of the 192 items greater than .20, grouped by the method of extraction of main components and Varimax process, highlighting the constitution of the 12 scales, loading 16 reagents in each of them; finalizing with Varimax rotation Normalization with KMO explaining 51.101 % of the cumulative variance, indicating an acceptable index of validity. Likewise with the confirmatory factor analysis to obtain a comparative fit index of .70 IFC, as an index adjustment goodness of GFI .72, and root mean square error of approximation RMSEA .054, data showing an adjustment acceptable. As for reliability, by the method of internal consistency with Cronbach's Alpha indexes of the 12 scales ranging from .687-.843 were obtained. Finally, the general and specific percentile norms for the questionnaire were determined.



How to Cite

Quiroga Cabada, M. A. . (2017). Psychometric properties of the Professional Interests Questionnaire (CIPSA) in secondary level students of private educational institutions of Trujillo. Revista De Investigación De Estudiantes De Psicología "JANG&Quot;, 6(1), 29–46. Retrieved from



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