Evidencias de validez de la escala de factores de riesgo asociados con trastornos de alimentación en púberes del distrito El Porvenir
Reliability, Pubertal, Eating behavior disorders, ValidityAbstract
In the present instrumental study, we sought to determine the evidence of validity of the scale of risk factors associated with eating disorders. It was carried out in a sample of 700 students between 9 and 12 years old. In the evidences of content validity obtained with judges' criteria, they suggest favorable results reported with the Aiken V (.93 for males and .91 for females). In the evidence of internal structure by means of confirmatory factor analysis according to the four-factor model, acceptable adjustment rates were found in males (x2 / df = 2.35, RMR = .049, GFI = -925, NFI = .901, PGFI = .802; RFI = .904; PNFI = .800) and for women (X2 / gl = 2.47; RMR = .046; NFI = .906; GFI = .913; RFI = .903; PGFI = .788; PNFI = .778). With respect to the reliability obtained with the Omega coefficient, values are found between .76 to .85 in males and .75 to .85 in females.
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