Evidencias de validez del cuestionario de conductas disociales en adolescentes de la provincia de Chepén
Dissocial behavior, Evidence of validity, Internal structureAbstract
The purpose of the research was to determine the evidences of the validity of the questionnaire on conduct of students in the Province of Chepén. Also, the participants were a total of 400 adolescents, between the ages of 13 and 18. The instrument used was CCD.MOVIC, created by Alcántara (2016). In the confirmatory factor analysis, using the method of unweighted square minimums; we obtained: global adjustment X2 / gl of 2.97, RMR of .029, GFI of .96, NFI of .93 and RFI de.93, in the parsimonious adjustment indices PGFI .834 and PNFI of .864, therefore, showed a satisfactory adjustment in the population studied. The reliability for internal consistency was obtained through the Omega index, reaching values between .81 to .89 for the four-factor model proposed by the author.
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