Virtual learning environments: Situational analysis of a university experience




SWOT situational analysis, E-learning, Blended Learning, B-learning, virtual environments


The research explores the topic related to B-learning studies in virtual environments, as a way to promote professional growth. It is based on the implementation of innovative educational approaches, which seek academic quality and commitment to society within educational institutions, counting on the capabilities and competencies of teachers. The objective is to analyze the virtual environments of a Venezuelan public university based on the situational diagnosis carried out with the swot matrix. The methodology requires a descriptive research - applied through a non-experimental and cross-sectional field research approach, it is based on theories of authors such as García (2012), Marsh (2012), Lozano (2011), Suárez (2010). and Tobón (2010-2013), among others. The results highlight the existence of weaknesses related to interruptions at the platform level and the rejection of teachers in the use of virtual environments as a self-learning tool. Among the strengths related to the diversification of training action and the irrelevance of geographical barriers. Threats related to the paralysis of servers and opportunities related to the implementation of the virtual classroom, self-management of time for teaching and updating technological skills were specified. It is concluded that efforts must be strengthened to break existing barriers and overcome existing weaknesses, mitigate threats and advance in the consolidation of virtual learning spaces from existing opportunities.


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How to Cite

González Urdaneta, M. del C., Arellano, M. ., & Urbina Chirinos, Ángel . (2024). Virtual learning environments: Situational analysis of a university experience. REVISTA EDUSER, 11(1), 52–62.



Research Articles