Soft skills and work climate in the collaborators of the local educational management unit San Martin - Tarapoto




Soft Skills, Work Environment, Job Soft Skills


The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between soft skills (habilidades blandas) and the work environment in the personnel of the Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local San Martín, Tarapoto, 2020, which corresponds to the career of psychology in the organizational environment. The research had a basic non-experimental cross-sectional correlational design; the sample consisted of 60 employees from different work areas of the UGEL San Martín, to whom two questionnaires were applied: Soft Skills by Luis A. Franco Saldaña and the Work Climate Scale by Sonia Palma CL - SPC. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient was used, where it was found that there is a significant positive correlation of considerable intensity between soft skills and work climate among the employees of UGEL San Martin, Tarapoto 2020. The results obtained in this research are relevant and important data that will serve as a basis for future research focused on this area, since its main element is the study of the individual and his or her development within organizations.


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How to Cite

Chávez Delgado, R. ., Carvallo Gonzales, C. del P. ., & Saavedra Meléndez, J. . (2023). Soft skills and work climate in the collaborators of the local educational management unit San Martin - Tarapoto. Cientifi-K, 8(2), 63–71.