Research competences in three nursing academic programs in Peru
Evaluación de las competencias investigativas, Enfermería, Habilidades investigativasAbstract
Nursing empowerment will be possible when universities become aware of the responsibility in training professionals capable of generating knowledge in favor of nursing science. The objective of this article was to compare the investigative competencies in students of the second specialty of nursing in a surgical center , emergencies and disasters and pediatric
nursing, from three universities in Peru, quantitative, descriptive and longitudinal research, the sample consisted of 378
nursing graduates between men and women, to whom the questionnaire called evaluation was applied. of the investigative
competencies, to describe the results of I use the KS test which resulted (Sig. .000, P<.05) assuming that they do not comply with a normal distribution, for the comparison of means the ANOVA test was used and the test Games – Howell post hoc analysis, for comparison of means and the Kruskal statistic Wallis to contrast hypotheses, the results showed that second specialty nursing students from the three nursing schools in Peru have an average level of investigative skills and insufficient development in cognitive skills, technological skills, methodological skills, skills to manage the research and teamwork, it is concluded that universities must articulate efforts to achieve research skills, so that graduates can strengthen the profession in their respective hospital organizations.
Keywords: evaluation of investigative skills; Nursing; investigative skills.
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