Umbrella project: Research in the curricular field in Virtual Education groups




Proyectos Sombrilla, Currículo, Investigación virtual, Sistematización, Educación virtual


Within the Virtual and Distance unit of the Minuto de Dios University (UNIMINUTO), the Umbrella Projects are created as a dynamic space for the master's degree in education to promote and manage formative and collaborative research. This is how, from this research methodologies for virtual education, the objective is to systematize the theoretical-practical experiences in the curricular field of the area of natural sciences and environmental education of four official institutions of basic secondary education, through qualitative research with ethnographic design, through the review and documentary analysis and the application of a survey to relate the influence that the particularities of the context have within the curriculum of each educational institution. Work that in the end manages to relate the partial compliance at the documentary level of the curricular components and the legal parameters of the population studied.
Keywords: Umbrella Projects, Curriculum, Virtual Research, systematization, virtual education.


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How to Cite

RODRÍGUEZ MENDOZA, B. J., RODRÍGUEZ PINEDA, J. A., BENAVIDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, B. A., BARRERA MERCADO, J. M., RICO RODRÍGUEZ, L. M., & RODRÍGUEZ CASTILLO, E. D. (2023). Umbrella project: Research in the curricular field in Virtual Education groups. UCV Hacer, 12(1), 75–82.



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