The diagnosis of digital teaching skills, as an input to define a path of qualification




Competencia digital, Competencias TIC, Digital, Ambiente virtual de aprendizaje, Docentes digitales


Having an overview that allows to identify individually and globally the state or level of development of digital competencies in teachers at CES University, involved several stages, which are shared in this publication as successful experiences, and that can be replicated by other institutions that are interested in guiding the qualification processes related to Information and Communication Technologies - ICT. This initiative is aimed at the theme "Digital competencies in higher education" of the International Forum for Research on Virtual Learning Environments, specifically for the role of teachers.

Keywords: Digital competence, ICT skills, digital, virtual learning environment, digital teachers.


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How to Cite

PÁEZ CRUZ, L., & CALLE PINEDA, C. (2023). The diagnosis of digital teaching skills, as an input to define a path of qualification. UCV Hacer, 12(1), 59–64.



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