Economic activities and wáter quality of the Moche river, puente Constancia y puente Concon



Calidad del agua, Metales pesados, Relaves, Actividades económicas


The continuous pressure on surface water from anthropic activities can adversely affect the quality of water resources, this impact reflects the pollution of water that constitutes a risk to human health and the quality of agricultural, agricultural and hydrobiological products. This research aimed to determine the relationship between economic activities and the water quality of the Moche River. Observation cards were used as an instrument, a tour of the study area was made, and two monitoring points were established, where economic activities and physical characteristics were evaluated, chemical and biological water in
flood and dry season on the Constantia bridge (RMoche2) and the Concón bridge (RMoch6). The relationship between economic activities and water quality is directly proportional; the presence of environmental mining liabilities, tailings deposits, mining tailings and debris deposits, in addition to the presence of solid waste located in the study area, are high values of heavy metals, mainly, which exceed those established in the Water Quality Standards, approved by D.S N° 004-2017-MINAM.
Keywords: Water quality, heavy metals, tailings, economic activities.



How to Cite

DIAZ DIAZ, N. del P., & GONZÁLEZ CASTRO, J. B. . . (2022). Economic activities and wáter quality of the Moche river, puente Constancia y puente Concon. UCV Hacer, 11(4), 51–60. Retrieved from



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