Communication English strategies program to reinforce the critical and creative thinking in university students




Estrategias de comunicación en inglés, Pensamiento creativo, Pensamiento crítico


This research had like the main objective to design a program of English communication strategies to reinforce the critical and creative thinking in students of a private university in Chiclayo. According to its purpose the type is a basic research with a mixed research approach. The tool used for recollecting data was a questionnaire which was applied to 19 students from the fourth cycle of a program in the university César Vallejo in Chiclayo. As a result, the presence of the three levels of the critical and creative thinking is observed: initial, process and achievement. The highest percentage of the students were located in the
level process of the development of this thinking, in the same way there is an important percentage of students that require to reinforce the dimensions of the critical and creative thinking to be able to give an opinion and to stablish a critical position, and also to elaborate a new creation and obtain original productions. It is concluded that the program of communicative strategies in English with basis in pedagogical, scientific and epistemological foundations, and with phases pre stablished and connected
make better the development of the critical and creative thinking.
Keywords: English strategies of communication, critical thinking, creative thinking.


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How to Cite

TORRES VARGAS, E. J. (2022). Communication English strategies program to reinforce the critical and creative thinking in university students. UCV Hacer, 11(1), 11–23.



Research Articles