E-business model to offer consulting services effectively


  • Magda Giovanna Narváez Aranda Universidad César Vallejo, La Libertad, Perú




E-business, Business model, Effectiveness, Consulting, Processes, Educational institutions, Human resource,, Human talent


In the present research to the design of a business model is developed for aspects which hypothesized that the design and implementation of a model E-Business permit effectively provide consulting services in business process management. For the design of the business model the methodology of the nine blocks of canvas was used. The methodology described in each block the activities the company must develop to produce and maintain the value offer. The proposed development consulting category are private educational institutions under a systemic approach that will benefit not only teachers but also human resource human resource student, why the consulting service is diversified into two major branches: a consultancy to enhance human talent and consulting services for the planning of academic events. Both consultants are key elements that will help improve the educational quality of the institution and the image projected to the community. The method used is deductive and judgment by experts that validate the proposed model and the results are estimated to be favorable.



How to Cite

Narváez Aranda, M. G. . (2015). E-business model to offer consulting services effectively. Tecnología &Amp; Desarrollo (Trujillo), 13(1), 125–130. https://doi.org/10.18050/td.v13i1.779



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