Study of sismic risk in the field of Buenos Aires, Trujillo


  • Edwin Ricardo Rodríguez Plasencia Universidad César Vallejo, La Libertad, Perú
  • Estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil Universidad César Vallejo, La Libertad, Perú



Vulnerability, Hazard, Seismic risk


New trends in earthquake engineering, recognized the need to assess the seismic risk in urban settings. In fact, that's where most of the population is concentrated, infrastructure and services. Thus, the behavior of the buildings before the occurrence of strong earthquakes and seismic hazard, are responsible for avoiding real seismic disasters, as to date, continue to leave economic losses and an unacceptable number of fatalities. From the above, the motivation of the present work shows that is to determine the level of seismic risk in the city of Buenos Aires, Trujillo, which contains the conceptual aspects of vulnerability assessment, hazard and seismic risk of buildings, determination of the study population, the research design, techniques and tools for data collection, evaluation procedure, results and their respective interpretation, discussion and conclusions.



How to Cite

Rodríguez Plasencia, E. R., & Estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil. (2015). Study of sismic risk in the field of Buenos Aires, Trujillo. Tecnología &Amp; Desarrollo (Trujillo), 13(1), 69–76.



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