Development and validation of a homophobia scale in East Lima, 2017 college students from a private university in Lima East, 2017
homophobia, personal homophobia, interpersonal homophobia, psychometry and Likert scaleAbstract
Around the world, in developed countries, there are laws that protect homosexuals and their interests; including laws against homophobia. Nevertheless; in the case of our country, things are different, as can be seen in the media, many people still believe that homosexuality is wrong and homophobia is allowed. Due to this, and because there is no such psychometric evidence of this kind in Peru, the aim of this research is to construct and identify the validity and reliability of a scale of homophobia in university students of a private university of east Lima. This scale obtained content validity using the criterion technique of judges, being analyzed under the principles of Clarity, Significance and Relevance. In addition, the items on the scale achieved adequate homogeneity indexes, while the total scale achieved high reliability on the half-split method (0.966) and the internal consistency one (α=0.980). Finally, a 47 items scale was obtained, divided into three dimensions: Personal Homophobia, Interpersonal Homophobia and Veracity, with adequate scales differentiated according to gender.
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