Numerical simulation of the efficiency of backward curved centrifugal fan blades


  • Maribel Yesenia Alegre Rosales Cotinavec Montaje Perú S.A.C.
  • Katia Isabel Chauca Siccha Pesquera Centinela S.A.



Centrifugal fan, fan efficiency, numerical simulation


The present research work aims to evaluate the characteristic parameters of a centrifugal fan with backward blades, for which the centrifugal fan of the turbomachinery laboratory of the National University of Santa was used. For the modeling of the fan, the Solidwork Flow Simulation 2018 software was used, where the entry conditions were previously set as a result, we obtained pressure, power and efficiency parameters. This process was of long duration, approximately 5 hours, since several tests had to be carried out, in which the number of nodes are established and these must reach stable parameters. Concluding that, as the fan outlet valve is throttled, the parameters are decreasing, finding the highest pressure and power in the configuration at 100% fan speed in the numerical evaluation; Regarding efficiency, the tendency to decrease when the valve is throttled is also observed, but compared to the other parameters, the highest efficiency was found in the configuration at 40% fan speed for the numerical evaluations was 91.4%.


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How to Cite

Alegre Rosales, M. Y., & Chauca Siccha, K. I. (2023). Numerical simulation of the efficiency of backward curved centrifugal fan blades. INGnosis, 9(1), 01–10.



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