Design and simulation of a pneumatic sorting machine for materials, Trujillo 2022




Automation, classification, productivity


In this article, the implementation of a materials classification process (wood, metal and cardboard) is presented for the classification of these materials in the same group, in order to have a better order and control for the storage of these materials. For its elaboration, the formulas for the design of conveyor belts, electrical design and simulation were used in a software used industrially for automated process designs. Also, 4 tests were carried out with 10 tests each, where 10 materials of different types were entered to obtain classification results, with which the operation of the machine and the tests to measure efficiency would be carried out. Finally, it was concluded that the percentage of efficiency was 100% compared with precedents that applied methodologies for similar processes, this being very beneficial for future applications.



How to Cite

Alfaro Cabello, M. A., Aguirre Segura , C. D., Cipiran García , S. C., Aranguri Hernández , J. M., & Zapata Baquedano , G. L. (2022). Design and simulation of a pneumatic sorting machine for materials, Trujillo 2022. INGnosis, 8(2), 39–47.



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