Evaluation of the effectiveness and tactical performance of collective and individual offensive actions in basketball teams. A systematic review





Tactical performance, technical-tactical effectiveness, basketball


Nowadays, greater importance has been given not only to evaluating the result of sports preparation but also to the process itself, due to the usefulness of evaluating the performance of the components of sports training. The present systematic review identified the criteria that were addressed in the evaluation of tactical aspects in the discipline of basketball with a literature search that was carried out by compiling works in the open access databases of the Universidad César Vallejo and other Open Access databases. Some of the criteria for inclusion were: the timing of the studies, 5 years old, and the origin of the data recorded in official competitions. There were 17 full-text documents, including those that provided the following results: there are scoring criteria, offensive contextual, and situational criteria, which were represented by different indicators. It is concluded that these criteria are subject to a contextualization with the individual performance due to changes in the type of competition or in the competition period for which the way of evaluating each match and the prioritized criteria for it must be varied.



How to Cite

Rodríguez Saavedra, L. M. . (2023). Evaluation of the effectiveness and tactical performance of collective and individual offensive actions in basketball teams. A systematic review. Cientifi-K, 8(1), 9–22. https://doi.org/10.18050/cientifi-k.v8i1.01




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