Influence of nutrient breakfast Qaliwarma nutritional status of program beneficiaries six to eight years of I.E. N° 81751 Wichanzao - La Esperanza 2016
Nutrient contents, Breakfast, QaliWarma, Nutritional stateAbstract
This research was conducted with the objective to evaluate the influence of the nutrient content of the breakfast QaliWarma program in the nutritional status of the beneficiaries of 6 to 8 years of School No. 81751 "Dios es Amor" Wichanzao, the hope in 2016. A non-experimental design was worked – correlational. The sample consisted of 32 children and breakfasts a week. The nutritional status was assessed taking into account BMI, according to WHO standards. To determine the nutritional contribution of breakfast heavy direct method of Peruvian table and served food composition ration was used. For data analysis descriptive statistics and Chi-square test was used with a margin of error of 0.05. It was observed that 81% of the beneficiaries of the program QaliWarma I.E. Dios es amor, has been normal nutritional, followed by 16% overweight, and 3% obese, most breakfast had an inadequate intake of macronutrients (81% kcal, 78% protein, 91% carbohydrate), while 100% breakfast presented adequate lipid content. It is concluded that the nutritional contribution of breakfast QaliWarma program does not affect the nutritional status of children (p> 0.05). It is recommended that planning breakfast take into account the nutritional status of each child in order to prevent the power is deficient or excessive.
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