Level of satisfaction in prenatal care related to continue in teens primigravid attentions. Regional Hospital Eleazar Guzman Barron, Chimbote


  • Rudy Mariela Cadenillas Esquivel Universidad César Vallejo, Perú


Satisfaction pregnant, Prenatal care, Primiparous adolescents


In order to determine whether a relationship exists between the level of satisfaction with prenatal care continued his attentions in primiparous adolescents; A prospective and descriptive transversal study was conducted at the Regional Hospital Eleazar Guzman Barron Chimbote during the months of March to May 2014. For the realization of this research a sample of 90 pregnant adolescents who attended antenatal care during the period was taken study; who was interviewed by the space of five minutes after signing informed consent and superficially explained what the job to which they participate. The results showed that 26% were found satisfied with the care provided and came to control the date indicated, while 41% found little satisfaction but just went to your appointment. It was found that 58% showed little satisfied with the care provided; of which 48% are aged 15-19. 41% of these belong to the urban area; and 17% in rural areas. We found that the care provided by the OB-GYN was unsatisfactory for patients.


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How to Cite

Cadenillas Esquivel, R. M. (2015). Level of satisfaction in prenatal care related to continue in teens primigravid attentions. Regional Hospital Eleazar Guzman Barron, Chimbote. Cientifi-K, 3(1), 38–48. Retrieved from http://revistas.ucv.edu.pe/index.php/cientifi-k/article/view/1373



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