Program of teaching strategies based on Psicoeducative method that favored learning the sport of handball in the Educational Institute Talents Victor Larco district in the province of Trujillo - Peru in 2010


  • Ángel Chávez Oviedo Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Wilma Mercedes Revilla Buelot Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Ericson Felix Castillo Saavedra Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Carla Castañeda Alva Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú


Strategies, Psicoeducative, Psychoeducational, Handball


The purpose of this research was to implement a program of teaching strategies that favored learning the sport of Handball in the Educational Institute (EI) Talents Victor Larco district in the province of Trujillo - Peru in 2010 and its disclosure different I. E territory.For the development of the same two groups were chosen fourth grade of that IE, the sections were "A" and "B", which formed a population of 60 students.In this population were administered a pretest and a posttest with which first established the conditions of equality of the sample to face the program, and then, to what extent this program allowed the sport learning in students.After the investigation it was determined that the implementation of an educational model based on psychoeducation, improved learning this sport in this IE in 2010, using methodological steps in the teaching-learning process which gave coherence during the process.



How to Cite

Chávez Oviedo, Ángel, Revilla Buelot, W. M., Castillo Saavedra, E. F., & Castañeda Alva, C. (2012). Program of teaching strategies based on Psicoeducative method that favored learning the sport of handball in the Educational Institute Talents Victor Larco district in the province of Trujillo - Peru in 2010. UCV-Scientia, 4(2), 119–123. Retrieved from

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