Implementation of good storage practices in drugstore specialized Belen Hospital Trujillo, 2011


  • Gilmer Antonio Cortijo Sánchez Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Ericson Felix Castillo Saavedra Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú


Standard procedures, Good storage practices


The purpose of the research was implement of Good Storage Practices in the operational procedures: entry and storage of pharmaceutical products, timely delivery of medicines, medical supplies and pharmaceuticals, stock level, clean condition, level of staff knowledge that the function or task to be developed, technical provisions to ensure adequate security in the store, and it was considered the total of medicines and medical supplies to the institutional catalog updated November 2009 Hospital Belen de Trujillo. The technical evaluation determinate that it exist partial and in of the products received, monitoring and recording temperature, the distribution of the products required for the delivery points, the monthly physical count, general cleaning once a month, training and evaluation is performed by pharmacy staff and inmates on a continuous basis, use of safety equipment for handling products. It concludes with the design and development of the Handbook of Good Practice for the Storage of medicines and medical supplies in the Specialized Drug Store Pharmacy Department of Hospital Belen de Trujillo.



How to Cite

Cortijo Sánchez, G. A., & Castillo Saavedra, E. F. (2012). Implementation of good storage practices in drugstore specialized Belen Hospital Trujillo, 2011. UCV-Scientia, 4(1), 56–63. Retrieved from

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