Degradation of pesticides for Actinomyces


  • Bertha S. Soriano Bernilla Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú
  • Eduardo Soriano Bernilla Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú


Biodegradation, Actinomycetes, Pesticides


The purpose of this review is to provide scientific reports needed to explain the results found during the execution of the investigation effect of temperature on degradation of the herbicide 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid by actinomycetales. If it is certain well the actinomycetes have importance in sciences of as much human health as animal, it has been possible to demonstrate that some actinomycetes have a considerable potential in the degradation of pesticides and it is reported that in many cases, occurs only partial degradation of pesticides by actinomycetes. Others authors showed that most pesticides served as phosphorus, carbon, and / or nitrogen source, via partial transformation reactions. Cometabolism can be an important mechanism of microbial biodegradation or biotransformations of pesticides in the rhizosphere of plants. Nothing is currently known about the mechanisms actinomycetes employ for uptake of pesticides. The presence of cytochrome P450s with a broad substrate specificity in actinomycetes suggest that these bacteria have an as yet largely unexplored metabolic potential for bioremediation of agrochemicals.



How to Cite

Soriano Bernilla, B. S., & Soriano Bernilla, E. (2010). Degradation of pesticides for Actinomyces. UCV-Scientia, 2(1), 34–37. Retrieved from

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