Public management in the education sector




Public Management, education.


The public administration carrying out a new public management is directly related to the welfare of citizens, because it is irrefutable that the State takes them into consideration when any government has to make any decision that involves them directly or indirectly. Likewise, its main objective is to be able to provide citizens with services and goods that satisfy all the needs they may have. Similarly, the education sector is in a stage of constant renewal, i.e., education management has accepted this new notion. In other words, the implementation of this management seeks that the person acquires new knowledge from various sources and experiences throughout his life. This can be achieved by making use of the factors that constitute the new public management.


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How to Cite

Reto López, M. E. . (2023). Public management in the education sector. UCV-Scientia, 15(1), 87–90.



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