Environmental contamination due to informal mining and criminal liability investigated by justice operators in the Province of Santa 2019-2022
Pollution; environmental; responsibility; Penal.Abstract
The environmental crime has been the illegal exploitation of mining, as well as crimes for possession of land, forestry trafficking, among others. For this reason, it is recommended as a general objective to determine the perception of
justice operators about environmental contamination by informal mining and criminal liability investigated by the Justice System of the Province of Santa, 2019-2022. It is of a non-experimental type, with a quantitative approach, with a correlational and cross-sectional design, the sample consisted of 70 justice operators. The results indicate that 47% of the respondents state that environmental pollution is perceived at a regular level and 52.8% of the respondents consider that criminal responsibility reaches a regular level. It concludes that there is a moderate
positive relationship between environmental pollution and criminal liability through Rho = 0.641 in justice operators in the Province of Santa, 2019-2022.
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