Perception and adaptation to climate change in the inhabitants of the Caribayona population center in the municipality of Villanueva, Casanare
Climate change, resilience, adaptation, perception, global warmingAbstract
In the present investigation, the results and the methodology applied in the evaluation of the resilience of the inhabitants of the Poblado de Caribayona center in the municipality of Villanueva Casanare with respect to climate change were reflected. As data collection instruments, direct field observation and the semi-structured interview tool were used, which were previously tested and evaluated by the Delfhi methodology (panel of experts). Once the investigative stage and information collection were developed, the current context of the population under study was identified. In this sense, the population was socioeconomically characterized and the main threats of climate change in environmental sustainability were determined to finally establish adaptation strategies based on real experiences and according to the study population.
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