Education in the context of confinement and penitentiary management in the Resocialization of a Penitentiary Center in Lima
Education, prison management, resocializationAbstract
The objective of this research was to determine the influence of education in the context of confinement and prison management in the resocialization of inmates of a prison in Lima, 2022. The study developed corresponded to the quantitative approach, basic type, non-experimental design and an explanatory scope; For this, a sample of 159 male inmates from a prison in Lima was used, selected through a stratified probabilistic sampling. Three questionnaires were used as data collection instruments, one for each variable, which were subjected to procedures to demonstrate their validity and reliability. It was concluded that education in the context of confinement and prison management have a significant influence (X2=210.886 and p=0.000) on the resocialization of inmates of a prison in Lima, generating a variability of 82.7%.
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