Relationship between Strategic Management and Organizational Climate at the small business level
Strategic management; managerial capacity; managerial leadership and interpersonal relationshipsAbstract
The purpose of this work was to determine the relationship between strategic management and organizational climate at the small business level, this in order to provide useful academic information, so that small entrepreneurs can have a reference through which they can adjust the plans already or create mechanisms that help improve the climate in their organizations, since the way of directing strategically helps to reach the goals set. The research was quantitative, and through the use of questionnaires, information related to both variables was collected, the sample taken into account was non-probabilistic and of a convenience type, where 55 small companies in the district of Los Olivos were taken, the procedures used to work the information collected, were the classification through spreadsheets, to later work on them through a statistical program. The results showed us that there is significant correspondence (Sig. 0.00) and intense correlation between the dimensions of strategic management and the organizational climate variable, some low and regular level measures were found in the dimensions of strategic management, in this sense it was concluded that there is still a need to address improvements in managerial capacity (36%) managerial capacity (43%) and managerial leadership (41%) in order to move these percentages to a high level.
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