Evaluation of the efficiency of a vermifilter with the eisenia foetida species for the treatment of wastewater for domestic use
efficiency, treatment, vermifilter, wastewater for domestic useAbstract
In this research, the efficiency of a vermifilter with the species Eisenia Foetida for the treatment of wastewater for domestic use was evaluated. The flow was 217 L/d. The dimensions of the vermifilter were: 1m wide, 1m long and 1.10m high. HC was 150ml/m2.min and TRH 5.7 days. Wastewater samples without treatment and samples with treatment were analyzed on three different dates, every 7 days. Results showed reductions: TSS from 1708 mg/L to 32 mg/L on the first date, 321 mg/L to 34 mg/L on the second, and 154 mg/L to 2.5 mg/L on the third date. NT from 13.05 mg/L to 0.32 mg/L, from 3.04 mg/L to 0.19 mg/L and 2.75 mg/L to 0.09 mg/L respectively. PT reduction from 1 mg/L to 0.568 mg/L, from 1 mg/L to 0.23 mg/L and 0.302 mg/L to 0.092 mg/L respectively. Oils and Fats from 72.5 mg/L to 2 mg/L, from 4.3 mg/L to 2 mg/L and 19.8 mg/L to 2 mg/L respectively. In COD from 3210 mg/L to 201 mg/L, from 1110 mg/L to 101 mg/L and 434 mg/L to 84 mg/L. The BOD from 1690 mg/L to 112 mg/L, from 572 mg/L to 48 mg/L and 230 mg/L to 40 mg/L respectively. Total Coliforms from 70000000 NMP to 2600000 NMP, 110000000 NMP to 540000 NMP and 47000000 NMP to 35000 NMP respectively. The vermifilter with the Eisenia Foetida species is efficient, especially to reduce total coliforms (98.57%), total nitrogen (97.01%) and total suspended solids (95.30%).
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