Impact of covid-19 on mental health




Covid-19; Public Management; Mental Health; Health Workers.


The Covid-19 pandemic globally caused a feeling of fear and anxiety in the entire population, this phenomenon has given rise to psychosocial and mental health implications in the short and long term in the various age groups, who have suffered this impact of the pandemic occurred due to various vulnerability factors, such as developmental age, education, pre-existing mental health, economic conditions or quarantine to avoid contagion. The purpose of this review article is to know public management, how the countries applied public policies to face the pandemic, the first effort being to build infrastructure to face it and avoid the increase in infections; leaving in the background, facing the pandemic in its treatment to reduce its incidence in mental health. This article was descriptive; carried out the verification of indexed articles and books published during 2020, related to the topic “Impact of Covid-19 on mental health”, raised in the research. As a result, 23 articles were obtained, between 2012 and 2020, from various countries, in Spanish and English, obtained from sources such as Scopus, Springer, Scielo, among others. It was concluded that the countries have not correctly applied policies and programs to address the mental health of health personnel and the population, who are affected by Covid-19.


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How to Cite

Carhuachin Herrera, A. M. . (2021). Impact of covid-19 on mental health. UCV-Scientia, 13(2), 61–69.



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