The Super Latino Spa “The Ability to Sell Feelings”




selling ability; selling feelings; new business model; business case; entrepreneurship.


This Work aims to show a real case, of a model that has been created with the extraordinary smell of an entrepreneur who managed to understand how to sell more, profiting in a very special way the products she has in her business pool. This is the case of “Super Latino Spa”, a retail store of Caribbean food products (Includes: Products of Venezuela, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Honduras and in general all of countries of Central America). This work it’s been modeling from the practice to the theoretical frame. It ́ ́ very important say at this time what we found in this practical paper development the interviews, meetings, and video recordings represents a basic model, but it is running in the real life, we can say 100% real working every day.


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How to Cite

Becerra Tapia, P. ., & Sarián González, M. . (2021). The Super Latino Spa “The Ability to Sell Feelings” . UCV-Scientia, 13(2), 45–60.



Research Articles