Student values practice in educational institutions 2021




Values, values practice, values education, values in educational institutions


The absence of values and the practice of them in students is an attitudinal problem that afflicts not only nationally but also internationally, consequently it is considered a social and public problem, the objective of the research is to carry out a systematic review of the peculiarities of the articles published in indexed journals on values and the practice of them by students, The study methodology used is the qualitative approach where the objective is of an exploratory descriptive nature, the search was conducted in the databases Scopus, Scielo, Dialnet and Google Scholar, the latter where there are articles from journals that are not indexed. The unit of analysis was formed by twelve articles in which weaknesses stand out in the report of the bibliographic support of the research design, the sampling process, the inconsistency of the instruments and their reliability, without leaving aside the cut-off point that most of the articles do not report. Due to these analysis characteristics, it can be affirmed that the studies do not comply with the parameters established in the publication standards.


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How to Cite

Chávez Guillermo, C. M. . (2021). Student values practice in educational institutions 2021. UCV-Scientia, 13(1), 65–76.



Review Articles