Antibiotics dispensing without presentation of prescription in pharmacies and drugstores, Historic Center of Trujillo, Peru


  • Danny Daniel Gutiérrez Mendoza
  • Cecilia Romero Goicochea Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú
  • Santiago Benites Castillo Universidad César Vallejo, Perú


Antibiotics without prescription


The objective of this study was to determine the extent to which antibiotics are expending without submitting the prescription in the historic center of the city of Trujillo. It is a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted from May to June 2013 Through a case and by applying the technique of simulated patient was able to raise the necessary information. Was studied 49 pharmaceutical establishments duly registered with the Directorate General of Supplies and Drugs Drug (DIGEMID). Each establishment was surveyed three times at different times. To analyze the dependence of variables the Chi-square test with statistical significance of 5% was used. 67.3% of all establishments do not comply with applicable law and dispense antibiotics without prescription. In addition it was determined that there is significant relationship between the patient's symptoms mentioned and the sale of antibiotics without prescription. 51% of establishments were the independent type and the remaining 49% belong to chains of drugstores. The matter was no significant relationship between the type of establishment and the sale of antibiotics without prescription presentation was found.



How to Cite

Gutiérrez Mendoza, D. D., Romero Goicochea, C., & Benites Castillo, S. . (2015). Antibiotics dispensing without presentation of prescription in pharmacies and drugstores, Historic Center of Trujillo, Peru. UCV-Scientia, 7(1), 44–51. Retrieved from

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